Well according to the weather bureau its going to be a long hot autumn, and if this weekend is anything to go by they may be right. It reached 39 degrees on Sunday and its heading towards the predicted 40 degrees today. Some people who have an air conditioner that is not functioning properly will choose to leave it until next summer to have it repaired. The problem with that is when it hits high 30’s in the spring, most air conditioning companies are already fully booked out with their regular summer start ups. Our advice is don’t leave it until next summer to have it repaired, do it now. Also I remember last year having a run of 30 degree + days towards the end of March and into April so chances are you will need your air conditioner for about another 4 weeks. It is important that you maintain your air conditioning, as it is a sizeable investment which if you treat it right will last for many years to come. We are still servicing air conditioners that have been installed over 25 years ago and they are still providing great cooling to many households.